I have several presentations that are "in the can", ready to give. I am happy to present these to masonic organizations upon request.
Some of the presentations are suitable for specific audiences and are so marked.
I would ask, if possible, for three weeks notice, but I can occasionally present on short or no notice. Unfortunately, I cannot currently consider out-of-state (Texas) presentations, but that may change later in 2023.
Please use my "Contact" page to request a presentation.
"The Undiscovered Metaphor" (NEW) This is a discussion based presentation on the symbols and lessons of the lodge room that we teach to new masons. We examine an undiscovered metaphor and the first logical lesson for all new masons and pinpoint the exact point of origin for a new mason's journey.
"Mystery of the Missing Symbol" (NEW and Under development - available in 2024) This will be a discussion based presentation on the masonic symbol we DON'T teach our EA's, FC's, and newly raised Master Masons! We teach new masons the symbols and meanings behind every object in the lodge room - every object EXCEPT one! ((This presentation will only be available for those who have completed their Capitular Degrees)).
"Masonry in Oz" An examination of masonic symbolism in the movie "The Wizard of Oz" including an examination of the masonic connections of the writer and cast, and a walk-through comparison of the movie scenes with a particular degree from the Capitular Degrees (NOTE: This presentation is available only for masons who have completed their Capitular Degrees).
"A System Called Masonry" An examination of the form and function of our craft with an eye towards how all of the parts (symbols, degrees, catechisms, and "lodge") all work together and must be actively engaged by the man who seeks to improve himself.
"The Torgau Ordinance" A discussion of the workings of operative craft lodges in Germany in the 1400's, comparing their practices to those of our modern, American lodges.
"Planning and Hosting Your Installation of Officers" This presentation is designed as a Workshop and walks the senior officers of a lodge through the requirements and preparations for an impressive and memorable Installation of Officers program.
"Appendant Bodies: Draining Lodges or Untapped Partners?" This presentation discusses the relationship between the blue lodge and the appendant bodies and examines the debate whether they are draining our lodges of their best workers.
"Reading Masonry" This is an instructive presentation designed to demonstrate how to spot masonic symbolism in art work and in society in general. It begins with an explanation of certain common masonic symbols and examines characteristics and styles.
"The Bridge" This presentation is a discussion of the importance of our masonic history and the importance of tracking, recording, and producing our lodge histories. This program examines the "Masonic History" as the transition of the craft from one generation to the next.
"Masonic Protocols" A general discussion of certain customs and courtesies between brothers and within lodge. This was my first presentation and may require some updates for programs today. (NOTE - 3/9/2023: This presentation is currently undergoing an update and will be re-titled "Leadership Protocols" upon completion. Updated version is expected in summer of 2023)
"CONTACT ME" Use this link to go to my Contact Page to request a presentation.